GMAIL: MOBILE:+91 84458 30491

Admission Procedure

The registration from is attached to this prospectus. You are requested to fill the form in all details and submit it to the office.The following certificates must be attached to the application form for admission:

(a) A certificate of age from the municipal birth register.

(b) Transfer certificate of children who have been to school previously.

(The TC. will be asked for only after the application has been sanctioned).

(c) A medical fitness certificate of the child.

(d) Aadhar Id

Note: Parents must give an undertaking, in writing that they will abide by the rules and regulations of the school as made from time to time..

The minimum age required for admission to Nursery 3 years, for L.K.G 3 1/2+ and for U.K.G. 4 1/2 + as on Ist day of April of the persuing session.

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